ACMS PTA Does All This . . . and More

ACMS PTA Contact: Membership Chair Carrie Batson,


Why join the PTA? What exactly does PTA do?

We do a LOT! We volunteer, we raise funds, we bring in programs to benefit students, we give $$ to staff and projects, we DO all the things! As a member, so do you. We are so thankful for our PTA membership. Please join ACMS PTA as we continue to better our school and students.


Here's a taste of what we've done for ACMS. . . 









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2024-25 Sponsors 




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Why Join the PTA?

PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. Your membership helps support our school, thereby setting up our students for success. Everyone benefits when you support students! 

General Meeting Schedule

PTA Awards