Help Us Raise Money While You Shop

ACMS PTA Contact: Vice President of Fundraising Nicole Crouch,


Community Partners

Join with our community partners to help raise money for Arbor Creek.




Click here to add Arbor Creek Middle School to your Kroger account

ACMS Number: CD508



ACMS Good Neighbor Number: 5775


Spirit Nights


 ACMS PTA Contact: Spirit Night Coordinator,



Birthday Listings on the Marquee



Celebrate your student's special day on the ACMS Marquee! Purchase here.

Snack Sales


The students LOVE snack sales days! Everything is $1, cash only. 

ACMS PTA Contact: Snack Sales,

Boo Bag Candy Grams


This is a fun way for students to gift their friends and teachers! PTA sells in October for Halloween.










Interested in becoming a business sponsor? Get started here


2024-25 Sponsors 




THANK YOU to our amazing sponsors for supporting ACMS!  Your logo could be here! Click for more info. 

Why Join the PTA?

PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. Your membership helps support our school, thereby setting up our students for success. Everyone benefits when you support students! 

General Meeting Schedule
